Sunday, April 13, 2014


Brave and selfless
But at what cost?
One for one, on paper
An even trade
But selfishness kills
The raising of the dead


Reflections into endless space,
Infinity in the vastness of the ground,
A drop so deep you would not cease to scream,
Within a drop of mirrors all around.

Random Thoughts and the Sharing Of

Have you ever had a random thought and just HAD to share it with someone? I just did, but even in this day of social media there wasn't anywhere that i felt I could post it. I didn't want to put it on Facebook as my mum's on there and the subject matter is not the most family friendly. Tumblr doesn't seem like a good fit either as I see tumblr as more of a pretty picture and quotes kind of place. I'm not on Twitter, but the same thing applies as to Facebook for some part, it's just SO public and by the time I could tell someone face-to-face tomorrow, the observation is no longer fresh and there is no longer the same need to share it.

I guess no-one really needs to know that I opened a new box of tampons and was reminded of a box of ammunition, oh well.
