Saturday, April 28, 2012

Memories of Space

What does space remember?
I remember when all this was fields
Of darkness
Nothing as far as the eye could see which, 
As both eyes and distance did not exist yet
Was not far

I remember a beginning
The end of nothing
And the birth of everything else
In a great pulsing labour
Spreading matter
And creating the universe

I remember, back in the day
When everything was young
And new
And fresh.
They grow up so fast

I remember when you first came to visit
And the way everything still seemed so new
And exciting
To your eyes

I remember the ideas you had
Most of which were best forgotten
But the rest
Were the searing novas to rival those
That birthed you

I remember love
I remember fighting
But, in the end, without a voice
I remember nothing

Prompt: Write a poem of space.

Originally the prompt was meant to refer to the space, say in a room, but why not write about space as in outer? :D

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