Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Guisers Breath a Sigh of Relief

Halloween again and the costumes come out. We've been allowed to dress up at work for the last couple of days and I've practically been working on my costume since last year. What did I dress up as? Dr Horrible... Well, if you can't cosplay at Halloween then when can you? It's not exactly right but I'm still pretty proud of it.

I have a PHD in Horribleness!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

All The Feels

Just watched War Horse, the movie adaptation of the book of the same name. Mum and Dad had gone to see the theatre production in London at the beginning of the year so I kind of knew what to expect but wow, that was great... It was better than great, it was amazing! The animal actors were above approach and the lighting and everything, wow.

5/5 go see it, planning on seeing the theatre production some time soon.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Someone's Not Mining Properly

Someone must be so mad right now

So I'm playing on minecraft, in Nerdcrafteria and the Mineworld (which is suddenly called Minington) is pretty much a lacy doily of rock over the bed rock and I manage to dig stairs down and find diamond, just a couple of blocks away from someone else's mine. If whoever dug that mine knew that they would be so mad right now. Though they probably found other diamonds anyway... Just awaiting the reset of Minington so I can find more myself.


Define An Orphan

How old can you be and still be able to refer to yourself as an orphan when your parents die? I ask because if there is no time limit then both my parents are now officially orphans. It was almost three weeks ago when I told you that my gran probably didn't have time left and she battled harder than any of us could have believed, but we knew that this would come sooner rather than later. Last night my parents came back from holiday and straight to her bedside. This morning, about 20 minutes ago, I received a message from my mother to say she was now at peace.

There's a hole in my insides and a tightness in my chest. I know that time heals, having experienced it before, but for now the hole whistles cold and lonely and the tightness makes it hard to breath.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


That weird moment when you wonder if the clock's stopped then realise it hasn't because it's not flashing.