Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Guisers Breath a Sigh of Relief

Halloween again and the costumes come out. We've been allowed to dress up at work for the last couple of days and I've practically been working on my costume since last year. What did I dress up as? Dr Horrible... Well, if you can't cosplay at Halloween then when can you? It's not exactly right but I'm still pretty proud of it.

I have a PHD in Horribleness!!!

I guess you're probably wondering about the title of this blog, well I had an idea about what to dress up as to scare the kiddies when they come around to the door which has now been vetoed on the grounds of not wanting to cause severe psychological trauma to young children. My costume? Slenderman... Yeah... Even Mum found it scary and she doesn't even know the mythos behind it. (you would be more accurate to call it Slightlyoverweightwoman but that's rather long and unweildy.)

Anyway, remove the white sleeve over my head and apply liberal dark makeup around my eyes and I can be a butler instead. Still creepy but without the kids running screaming from my door.

There is a pic here of me as Slendy, it's further down just to warn you.


Excuse me while I check over my shoulder...

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