Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Blog With No Name

Or no purpose at least.

I really have no idea what to write. It's the same reason I can't keep penpals because I am SO FRICKING BORING that nothing happens to me and I have nothing to talk about! Let's see what I've done this week.


Actually strike that, I'm bored just thinking about it, and it's only Wednesday anyway. So what's happening with me instead.

Well my little brother finally convinced me to get a new phone. I'm fine with the one I have, it works like I want it to and does pretty much everything I want but he convinced me with the price, £16 a month. That is until he said I needed insurance. At an extra £11.99 a month.

£12 a month for insurance?! I didn't spend that on insurance for my holiday this year (which we will come to in a second)!!

So he says, it's OK, he can get a discount because he works there, but they don't have the phone in so I'll have to get it online. We go ahead but then he's not sure if he can get his discount online. Basically I don't know if I'm getting this phone or not after all this hassle.

So holidays, yeah I'm going away in two weeks!! YAY!!!! Brothers will be house sitting (because they have no money to go away themselves, ha!) and me and mum and dad will be spending two weeks in sunny Portugal! I just can't wait!

Huh, seems I did have something to talk about after all, go figure. Anyway, I've got work in the morning so I'll leave you there.


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