Saturday, April 7, 2012


Light filtered through the canopy
On the long walks we used to take

The lizard we watched, entranced
Running across the wall

The stone in the pendant you gave me
For my birthday

Surprising hue of the ocean
As we sat that night, entwined together

Colour of the monsters eyes
That takes me over when I see you now

Prompt: Write a poem in which everything is that colour.

I really, really want a tail, and wings. I don't know why but I wish (maybe crave is a better word for the feeling) that I had a tail and wings. Actually, the wings are an easy one, I wish I could fly. It's funny because I don't like flying in a plane but I would love to have my own wings. Proper feathery one's, of course...and they would also keep me warm at work, it's freaking cold there! As for the tail (a long bushy one, like a cat's, slightly prehensile so I could wrap it around my leg if I needed to get it out of the way) I have no idea. Maybe I secretly want to be a catgirl. I did have this dream once where I was a green and black striped catburgler catgirl called The Jester, it was cool. You probably all think I'm really weird now, but I don't care.

While we're on the subject I also wish I had a dragon or firelizard or a dæmon. Mostly for the company.

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